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Flight Instruction

Learning to fly is more than just using the controls, taking off and landing.


You will Learn to Fly:

  • In normal and crosswinds

  • In Class B (Philadelphia and New York), C (Allentown) and D (Trenton) airspace

  • At night

  • In limited visibility conditions

  • On both paved and grass runways

  • Safely in areas without radios to the most complex ATC environment

  • Cross-country to rural Pennsylvania or to busy, urban Long Island.

  • The use of traditional paper charts then electronic navigation and GPS.

  • To a safe landing in case of an emergency.


Learning to fly is more than just sitting in the airplane and using the controls to take off, fly around and land.  It requires understanding, from both air and ground instruction, the aerodynamics as to why an airplane flies, interpreting and understanding weather, regulations, airspace and more. 


It uses a building block approach where the next lesson uses training and practice from the previous lesson.  First you learn to handle the aircraft using outside cues such as the horizon, references on the ground and the instruments.  Next you get to fly solo, without an instructor sitting beside you, which will be one of the most amazing days in your life.  Then you learn to take the airplane to other airports both near and far away and return to Sky Manor.  Finally, you will take and pass your check ride and become that rare individual...a pilot.  You’ll be part of a diverse group started by the Wright brothers, which also includes notables such as Charles Lindberg, Chuck Yeager (of The Right Stuff fame), Tom Cruise, Harrison Ford, Clint Eastwood, Kurt Russel, Angelina Jolie and Morgan Freeman.  You will be a member of a community comprised of less than 0.2% of the US population.


With a private pilot rating, a new pilot can be at the Jersey shore from Sky Manor in about 30 minutes, Block Island in a little over an hour (a 6 hour drive), Niagara Falls in a little less than 2 hours. There is also a long list of interesting locations where you can fly in for sightseeing, fly in for a meal and even golf courses where you can fly in to a play a round.


Sky Beckons Aviation offers advanced specialty courses for the following certificates:

Introductory Flight

An introductory flight lesson is the best way for an individual to experience the thrills of flight. The student will handle the flight controls in one of our 4-seat Cessna training aircraft under the instruction of a CFI (Certified Flight Instructor). They will experience takeoff, climb, straight and level flight, turns and descents. The student can bring a back seat passenger for the ride at no additional cost.


Requirements for student pilot

- Be able to reach the rudder pedals

- Have a desire to learn to fly


Call our office to schedule an introductory flight today. (908) 996-7230


Private Pilot License

This rating allows you to take several of your friends flying most anywhere in the United States. As with all ratings, this one is acquired with a ‘building block’ approach; simple and basic things first and more complex later.


Requirements for student pilot

- Be at least 16 years of age

- Pass a flight physical administered by an aviation medical examiner

- Receive ground and flight instruction

- Earn an endorsement from a certificated flight instructor


What a person needs to know to become a pilot is found in the Federal Air Regulations (known to us in aviation as the FARs) under Part 61. The first thing you are is a Student Pilot and Part 61.83 to 61.95 states what you need to qualify, learn and log as a Student Pilot.  Click to learn more.


Instrument Ratings

A natural progression for most Private Pilots is to get their Instrument Rating. 



- Be at least 18 years of age

- Hold at least a private pilot certificate

- Hold an instrument rating (for helicopter CFI)

- Be able to read, speak, and understand the English language

- Obtain at least a current third-class medical certificate

- Have logged at least 250 hours (200 for helicopters) and the required        training for the CFI rating per FAA regulations

- Pass a knowledge test as well as the practical test

Recurrent Training

We offer recurrent training beyond just the routine flight reviews and instrument proficiency checks. How much has your skill level deteriorated since your last rating or even the last time you flew? When was the last time you flew at night or complex airspace? Recurent training is not only an FAA mandate but statistics show recurrent training is vital in safe aircraft operation.



Monday-Friday  8am-5pm

Saturday  8am-4pm

Sundays  9am-4pm


Our office is located ramp side at 

Sky Manor Airport

48 Sky Manor Rd, Pittstown, NJ 08867


© 2022 by Sky Beckons Aviation.

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